Working on new player controller
Candy Kane » Devlog
Finally have some cool BHOP/Strafing mechanics incorporated into the player controller, I had to untangle a whole bunch of Spaghetti code to achieve a scalable rewrite of the FragSurf Library for unity.
The 2 main problems with FragSurf's lib are :
- You can't directly manipulate the player's rigidBody through unity's physics system.
- The code was a NIGHTMARE to understand/Use. (understandable while trying to make a 1/1 recreation of the CS:S movements)
The real struggle here was to find a way to achieve the same feel as quake/source movements, while having a simpler codebase that is scalable throughout the whole dev process, AND having the possibility to directly manipulate player's rigidBody physics (drag, mass, ground friction, etc).
After two days of crying, I'm happy to say that I'm finally done with strafing and bunny hoping for this controller, now time to break it all again and try to integrate surf and ladders :)
An update SHOULD be pushed after the end of the voting phase Including :
- bug corrections
- real game-over
- whole new player controller
- some physics tweaks
- better audio
- (hopefully better performances)
- and maybe more.
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